Connecting clients with solutions.

Providing businesses with tailored financial and analytical solutions.

Whether its accounting, tax, data and analytics or other professional business services, our team at Apex will help you find the right solution.

Apex. Reach New Heights.

Your problems are our passion. Our solutions are your opportunities.

Our Services


Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis and are the foundation of a successful business. Our qualified staff can assist you with the day-to-day tasks associated with bookkeeping.


Financial reports can be a useful tool for management for making important financial and operational decisions. We can assist you in the preparation of your financial statements or financial forecasts to make these decisions easier.

Business Services

Business start-up brings with it a significant share of challenges as well as rewards. We can assist you in moving ahead with step-by-step guidance on turning your ideas into profit, so you can focus on growing your business and doing what you love and do best.


Today’s tax environment is constantly changing and has become increasingly complex. Our tax professionals help you navigate the challenges and risks associated with this complex and overwhelming environment by providing innovative and fact-based solutions customized to your specific needs.

Data and Analytics

Leverage the power of your data and answer key business questions to drive better outcomes and growth. We can help you measure your performance against goals and objectives and gain deep actionable insights into how you can optimize your client experience and operational performance.

Payroll Services

Your people are key to the success of your business. Let us help you with processing payroll, government remittances and T4 Preparation so you and your employees can focus on your collective passion - your core business.

What Others Are Saying

As a small business that is owned and operated by two individuals, we have very little time to focus on the financials. We are extremely passionate about what we do and serving our customers is our top priority - Apex enables us to do just that. The team at Apex act as our business partner, consultant and in-house accountants. We can rely on them for accurate bookkeeping, financial statements, reconciliations and tax treatments. Apex is only a call away and their professional and passionate team makes themselves available to us at all times.
Phone Plug Ltd.
Phone Plug Ltd
Apex has been our go-to tax partner for years. Their fast and efficient practices allow us to file our annual tax returns on a timely basis. We are a small family operated business with limited inhouse tax knowledge, hence we require a trusted partner who will provide us with most optimal tax advice. Their advice and ongoing consultations throughout the year have always led to maximum tax savings. Apex really came through when our business was battling the challenges of the pandemic. WIth Apex’s expertise, we were able to obtain the appropriate government support and funding. With Apex’s support, not only were we able to manage throughout the pandemic, but we came out stronger than ever.
Peter’s Convenience
We love design and we love creating content for our clients. As creative people, we spend all our time traveling with clients and working on their design needs. As a small business it can get difficult to manage finances and grow your business at the same time. Ever since we partnered with Apex, we have been able to focus on scaling our business, grow our customer base and diversify our service offerings. We know our books are accurately managed with Apex, and when tax season comes around they are there to provide the most optimal advice resulting in tax savings.
Studio 65
Studi0 65

Reach New Heights